PROJECT| NSCA Customer Journey Map

ROLE| Director of Marketing and Communication

CHALLENGE| Like many organizations, The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) internal departments worked in silos with independent communications to certified professionals.  The goal was to increase customer satisfaction by leveraging a customer journey map to identify gaps and improve the customer experience.

SOLUTION| We conducted research with newly certified members and create a draft map to illustrate the role of current initiatives and offerings within the customer journey. The map was then refined through interviews with internal departments. We focused on improvements for the Recertify portion of the journey and created a detailed analysis of each step by leveraging customer service reports, data insights and  member interviews to document goals, customer needs, touchpoints, processes, and improvements for each step in the journey. The improvements were prioritized and implemented across all touchpoints.

RESULT| The 2018 – 2020 Recertification cycle goal was 80% retention of certified professionals. The NSCA reached a 78% retention rate. The pandemic contributed to a lower rate, 4% of our certified profesionals planned to recertify but were negatively impacted by the pandemic. However, the satisfaction rate increased from a 6 to an 8, compared to previous cycle.
Customer Journey Map

Customer Journey Map


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