Mobile App Design
Cooperating with young adults to design a mobile game as the branding identity in order to motivate young adults to read more.

In the era of rapid development of technology and digital devices, the reading habits of modern people have changed dramatically. Despite this, some reading associations have hosted lots of events to make people rediscover the joys of reading. However, due to ignoring the needs and expectations of young people, these activities neither effectively increase the reading volume of youths, nor improve their reading habits. Therefore, using the co-design activities to deeply understand end-users are able to better target the design objectives in order to motivate the reading willingness of youths.
Co-design Methods.

There were 50 participants and the age range was between 23 to 34 in these 4 co-design activities which are "Issue Cards", "Circles of Me", "Rough Prototyping" and "Card Sorting". For these activities, designers would briefly explain each activity so that participants could understand and complete each activity in 20 minutes.
Co-design Findings.

1.  Games can effectively motivate people to have joy in reading, and even achieve changes in reading behaviour.
2.  Themes, images, and layout are crucial reading elements to lead people to read more. 
3.  Competing and discussing with friends can bring positive effects and great progress. 
4.  People prefer quickly to switch to reading the different topics of the article when they feel bored with this article.
5.  Clarity is necessary for reading.
6.  Discussion after reading is a good way to make people like reading more.
7.  Most people prefer illustration and a low saturated blue colour scheme as the style of the visual presentation.

