Daniel Eguia's profile

Eyebird React Project

Eyebird is the final project for the Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp.

3 people team.3 weeks time
MERN (Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS, Node JS), SASS, react-bootstrap
External API: inaturalist.org
Eyebird is a bird observation headless SPA in which users can upload the observations of their favorite birds by taking a picture, selecting it from the database and pining their location, share unknown birds to a forum and get other birdlovers opinions. Also Observatories can create their own profile and list the birds which are available in their area.
Github: https://github.com/vtrHH/nature-app
Demo: https://eyebird.netlify.app

pass: demo
Eyebird Core Functionalities
Search Bar
Search Bar React Dev Tools
Forum Mesaging
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Eyebird React Project

Eyebird React Project
