Positioning: Premium well tasted marbled beef.
The natural diet of the bulls and their special care allow you to get natural meat without hormones and with low cholesterol – this is the most tender and tasty meat in the world! To get this tender and delicate meat, the producer grazes specially selected cattle on green pastures in ecologically clean regions of Argentina. Marble beef from Dar Gusto brand is ready to present consumers with its wonderful taste!
“Dar Gusto” is a standard of quality of natural meat.

Objective: To develop packaging for beef, which would convey the premium and high standard of the product. Also to develop labels for marinades in the style of packagin.

Solution: After a careful study of competitors, we came to the conclusion about the main color scheme – rich dark green. In contrast fresh meat, which can be seen through the holes in the packaging, looks even fresher. The shape of the bull’s head and the use of a golden fifth color on the cardboard emphasize the premium status of the product.

Design by GALAGAN
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Packaging for Dar Gusto

Packaging for Dar Gusto
