Experimental Typography Project 2: EPUB Book

For this project we were tasked with designing an interactive EPUB book intended to educate the reader on a specific topic that we cared about. I decided to talk about farmworkers in a way that I wish I was taught about them growing up. I designed this project with a children's book aesthetic in mind focusing on the food and the people behind the food. All of these illustrations were designed in Adobe Illustrator building off of previous works of mine, and pulling imagery from my own life to tell the stories of farmworkers. Click here to learn more about the farmworkers union and how to support them!
Mood Board:

My inspiration for this project came from the very few children's books that I could find about people of color or farmworkers.
Initial Sketches:
Initial Cover Design:

This cover design features more detailed illustrations and a less legible typeface that was adapted through another trial.
Final Design Examples:

These are some stills of the final designs in this book. The book features many moving parts, gifs, and interactions to help it come to life. Scroll to the bottom to access the full project!
Click here to access this project in its entirety!

