Simulacra Beauty* 

The series explores female beauty in the Metaverse where customising your visual appearance in a distinctive and vibrant way is the norm.
All works are crafted digitally to the extend that I'm using custom built tool alongside 3D and 2D software to help me go deeper into digital art.
The series consist of 3 works in editions of 1, and a 4th work expressing my respect and gratitude to the whole crypto community.

*A simulacrum is a representation or imitation of a person or thing.  

You’ve met her before. At least once. She’s faceless, ceaselessly changing her identity, her mood, herself. You thought you had her but she slipped between your fingers, she always does. An enigma.
A year behind closed doors. A world once fast and busy unexpectedly slowed down. Now is the time to look inward, reflect and tune in to your senses.
Sad Influence
An idol to many, it all means so little without true self-love. Having power doesn’t guarantee happiness.
This artwork was created to express my respect and gratitude to the whole crypto and blockchain pioneers, thanks to whom digital creators around the world are finally able to quit their day jobs and focus on what truly inspires them. The digital renaissance has begun. Thank you for making this possible!

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Simulacra Beauty


Simulacra Beauty
