Alina Potemska's profile

The Game with the Moon

The Game with the Moon

Beliefs and folk myths — including those concerning the Moon — are often more than a kind of folklore knowledge. They are often a consequence of observing nature, including its relationship with humans or animals. These age-old beliefs could be later confirmed by scientific knowledge. An excellent example could be here the observations of the astronomer Jan Hevelius, contained in the work Selenographia, i.e. describing the Moon ... (1647).

The Game with the Moon — is a card game in which scientific knowledge collides with folk beliefs about the Moon. Playing cards containing scientific or "folk" slogans make up a specific selenographic lexicon. So we are dealing with the deconstruction of a traditional book to create individual cards with separate information. Viewers are invited to participate in the card game according to simple rules. They have to decide what characterize the information on the drawn cards: scientific, folk or in the middle. The winner is the one who collects the most cards of a particular type — in this way creating their own book.

Special for Museum Hevelianum
Gdańsk, 2019
Text on the card (polish): "On the Other Side of the Moon Are Seas​​​​​​​"
Text on the card (polish): "On the Other Side of the Moon Are Seas"
                                        "Moon is like a woman"
The Game with the Moon


The Game with the Moon

