The Idea​​​​​​​
Social media can be very influential on society in both positive and negative ways. Through it, people share different types of informative content every day. The digital appearance of a person on the web and the status of approval on it has become a standard.  Today it's uncommon for people to go a day without using or referring to social media.
When we all were at home during the first wave of the pandemic, it reflected on our lives and everything became even more digital. I wanted to express and show the turbulent times we are living in and how it impacted our society.
Social Sharks is a project that shows how people can be easily misleading with false believes that likes on social media are absolute criteria for social approval. You never know what is the real reason or intentions from the other side. In this sea of social media, we must try to filtrate what is essential and what is false by avoiding the “social sharks”.
The project was made into a poster that is among the 26 winning posters from 11396 posters recieved for the Ecuador Poster Bienal 2020. The work has won Silver Award in category D "Animated". The poster is animated and has augmented reality. If you download the app ARTIVIVE and scan it you will see the animation with added sound.
On October 15th this year, started one of the biggest poster events — Ecuador Poster Bienal 2020, an exhibition of 500 selected posters in the online gallery, V-Art Virtual Gallery.
Ecuador Poster Bienal is one of the largest events of its kind in the world and an important competition that sets new standards.
The video is part of the award ceremony of Ecuador Poster Bienal 2020.
Social Sharks

Social Sharks
