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Imam Uddin | Portfolio Template

Imam Uddin | Portfolio Template

Hey beautiful people! How are you? Today I will talk about my new portfolio. It’s a html5, css3 & javascript based simple portfolio template. I have also published it on GitHub.
Imam Uddin, imamuddinwp, responsive web design. 
What is a portfolio and what is it used for? 
In general, A portfolio is a flat case used for carrying loose sheets of paper or a combination of investments or samples of completed works. 
An example of a portfolio is a briefcase. An example of a portfolio is an individual’s various investments. 
On the other way, A portfolio is a compilation of materials that exemplifies your beliefs, skills, qualifications, education, training, and experiences. It provides insight into your personality and work ethic. But here I will show my portfolio on web-based. 

why a portfolio is important? 

Ok, let me say something about the importance of a portfolio. Portfolios are a great way to demonstrate the competencies you would list on a resume or talk about in an interview — they allow you to show and not just tell. During a job search, the portfolio showcases your work to potential employers. It presents evidence of your relevant skills and abilities. Portfolio assessment offers a variety of benefits, including: 
*A Record of a Child’s Ongoing Development Over Time. … 
*Information to Help You Design Instruction. … 
*Children’s Involvement in Assessing Their Own Work. … 
*A Method of Communication. … 
Imam Uddin, imamuddinwp;
What are the key elements of a portfolio? 
A comprehensive portfolio includes the following good elements. The Cover Letter. This element tells about the author of the portfolio and what the portfolio shows about the author’s progress as a learner. … Why responsive design is important? Because responsive web design is mobile-friendly, it helps increase visibility on search engines, which in turn can mean more visitors to your website.

What is SEO and why it is important? 
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the method used to increase a website’s position on search engine results pages (SERPs) on sites such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Developing an SEO strategy for your business can help draw consumer traffic to your website as well as grow your sales and revenue.
Why responsive design is important? 
Responsive web design is mobile-friendly, it helps increase visibility on search engines, which in turn can mean more visitors to your website.
Imam Uddin, imamuddinwp; Responsive checking on all device.
SEO Checking 
Benefits of SEO SEO 
Targets quality traffic. 
One of the biggest advantages of SEO is that it’s an inbound marketing strategy. … 
You don’t need to pay for ads in SEO. … 
SEO gets more clicks than PPC. … 
SEO helps PR. … 
You can move ahead of the competition. … 
Site assessment. … 
Ongoing optimization and testing. … 
Reporting and analysis.

SEO Chechup
Thanx for reading about my portfolio. 

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Imam Uddin | Portfolio Template