SmokedShip --'s profile

Days Gone Artwork

Days Gone Artwork
I was commissioned to create a highly detailed visual for Days Gone by Bend Studio. This would be used to promote the title via a hidden object game. The objective was to find as many wrenches as you could in the artwork. Being a biker myself and a fan of Days Gone, I was overjoyed with the opportunity and enjoyed working on every little bit of this piece...  Enjoy !

Being an ADV/Dual Sport biker myself, I could identify with the companionship felt by your bike in Days Gone. 
There's a feeling of completeness when you get back in the saddle after scouting an area. There's a feeling of security and reassurance when you're with your bike, riding through forests, traversing the broken road encountering both known and unknown dangers. 
The thump of the Drifter bikes engine, the various modifications that you add, all have a significant impact as ride along on your journey.

These pieces of inspiration(below) are not my own photos but images I collected from across the web along with some that were provided by Sony. They were not just for visual reference but also to help me create a vibe felt within a garage, the smell of grease, gasoline, metal, a hint of music, a smokin' cuppa' joe on the workbench and the of course the bike standing front and center.

Creation process...
The final piece
I'd love to know how many wrenches you all can spot in the visual.
Please let me know in the comments below :)

Days Gone Artwork


Days Gone Artwork
