Laura Camellini's profile

Home Automation 3D Neumorphic UX

Home Automation 3D Neumorphic UX
Simple UX to manage and fix lighting bulb in automated house, customized by the owner in a 3D Unreal Engine environment and shipped as prefabricated.

Hardware and refs:
Interface is built to run on a touchscreen with a specific aspect ration and lighting fixture sample is built on a beautiful behance project by Constantin Bolimond.
This was a pilot pitch project, never meant for production.


Reling on the Unreal Engine virtual environment used for the house design and production the interaction flow emulates the natural movements of a person while using each house departments: starting from an overview of the actual state of the lights in the whole house (with icons to mark the automated lights) the user enters a room, selects the lamp, and balances it according to his needs for the moment or his plans for the day.
A voice interaction can be activated by turning on the google/amazon home assistant connection, the store interface has two different UX based on the presence of this connected device.

UI for voice Interaction
UX flow diagram
Material design icons added from the standard library, used font Sofia Pro.
Notice the time span selector, based on the material design clock with an original touch to select the time span text helpers are intended to follow the moving handles:
Home Automation 3D Neumorphic UX

Home Automation 3D Neumorphic UX
