One of the things I struggled with during lockdown was keeping a creative outlet. Going from a day-to-day where I'm usually producing loads of output per day at work to zero stuff was quite a change.  

I ended up designing a series of posters that had no brief, no deadline and no guidelines, which was quite liberating and refreshing as an exercise. Me being the designer and client was a kinda nice.

Once I got into it, I ended up using the date I was working on them as the starting point for each piece.  I typed out the full date out so it had a bit more weight and abstractness than just using the date as numbers.  This is also where, the name for the project came from, my birthday being the 24th of June, two four six.

Then, for each design I used a different vector shape, a different colour gradient and a different series of old 35mm textures overlayed. All in all it ended up being a good exercise in shape, colour and texture.

So what I ended up with is the series below, which I think I'm going to continue with till the end of the year. I was pretty surprised / happy with the results so I've got some prints made up too and even a couple of commissions for music album covers off the back of these, which is something I've always loved doing.

If you'd like to follow my progress, and some of my other less corporate design stuff, you can find me here too: https://www.instagram.com/twofour_six/




