I move between the frequencies of colors, I mix them with images that come out of my subconscious trying to communicate what is inside of me without a language, without any pre-established order, it doesn’t need explanation or meaning, it just is, as I am.
Light codes cross my heart and are reflected in a landscape of other worlds, revealing the unique message of unity, love, and harmony that is necessary here and now.
It is a journey between dimensions, without time or space, it is you, it is love, it is what I feel, it is what I am, sometimes a bit abstract, without logical sense.
I stretch out and try to get out of myself a little to be able to touch what is outside of me, which is also me, how do I explain what I am when words are so limiting, how do I express the message in a nonsense language, that's why, I invite you to observe what you feel without going through mental analysis, what is the first word that comes without "thinking", what feeling arises, what temperature it emanates, what flavor does it has. There are no wrong answers, everything is valid.



