Fashion Museum​​​​​​​ Haute Couture on Display

High fashion merges with the timelessness of classical sculpture. In this project, the essence of elite fashion is celebrated through three digital illustrations that reinterpret the greatness of the "Gods of Haute Couture."

Fashion Museum explores the intersection between contemporary fashion and ancient sculpture, blending digital creativity with the richness of artistic heritage. Each artwork is a window into the history of these iconic brands, transforming stone into vibrant and dynamic expressions that capture the essence of haute couture.

Artworks created with Adobe Photoshop.
Medusa Bust
Medieval Armour
Hermes Bust
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Copyright © DesignGeo 2023.
Fashion Museum


Fashion Museum

High fashion merges with the timelessness of classical sculpture. In this project, the essence of elite fashion is celebrated through three digit Read More
