Spacious apartment with kitchen-studio, located in a club-type complex, in a clean area of the city near the water. The interior is built on the contrast of white and dark accents. The design of geometric shapes is smoothed by the warmth of wood in the decoration and furniture ...

Interior design project for a young family with two children. We had a task to use the full potential of 105 m2. In working on the project, an important task for Naumov Studio was to divide the space into separate rooms and keep the design in the general style of minimalism.
Planning. We made the hall the only architectural ensemble with a dressing room, a bathroom with a shower for children, and smoothly finished with a large composition of kitchen furniture. Along with the general light, a lot of additional lighting, which locally emphasizes the texture and creates a cozy atmosphere of the interior of the apartment at any time of day. Made an open spacious kitchen-studio with access to the terrace, which has a magnificent view of the river.

Design & visualization - Alex Naumov



