Branding illustrations for online gaming platform called "Insomnia".

Insomnia is an online gaming platform which contains every type of game,according to tastes and interests.
The website is called so as playing games can go so far that human mind can forget about sleep,and further it can cause Insomnia as well.
The "mouse" of the game is a crystal which is actually "amethyst" which is by far the most widely known sleep crystal because it provides such a soothing and serene frequency that we can’t help but feel relaxed in its presence.The mouse is for reminding that sleep is important too and no matter what the human mind needs rest,either way the player can get exhausted,tired,dehydrated and it's a loose for the website as that way it literally loses a player.
The website has a separate section for wins.
The section counts all the wins,and lets the player earn bonuses for other games.
Randomizer is a different sequence which lets the player randomly choose a game,when there's an unbiased situation.
The leading charachter is called "The Dream Thief" and he's the one who welcomes to the website,by literally stealing the dreams and not letting sleep to take over the player.
The blue lady is the godess of night and sleep,named "Nott".She appears when the player is taking a break.
Her appearance also has the same meaning as the "mouse" has.
This website is made for having fun but it also cares about the human's health!

Beginning Sketches`
                                                             THANK YOU!


