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no Xingu com Juma Xipaya

[At the Amazon Rainforest, the first female leader of the indigenous Xipaya is facing death threats]

by ©MiguelPinheiro - Brasil 2019
(all images are copyrighted and cannot be used without written permission)​​​​​​​
Juma Xipaya
[ artigos/articles
 [at Open Democracy]
"Stop killing us for such beauty" in English, Portuguese, and Spanish
[at Amazon.Org.Br]
"O contraste entre Terras Pretas no Médio Xingu" in Portuguese / and Full Interview in Portuguese
[at Jornal PÚBLICO] 
"Miguel filmou os indígenas brasileiros para salvar “a vida de todos nós”" in Portuguese / Full Interview

The largest tropical forest in the world is threatened and reaching its critical tipping point at a faster rate. Consequences for such scenario will be devastating, and will cause worldwide disruption. The indigenous ethnic groups of the Mid-Xingu region, at the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, are the guardians of songs and litanies and timeless practices. For centuries, these protectors of the forest prospered in a sustainable way. Since the arrival of the third largest Dam in the world, beauty is coming to an end. This is progress crushing unique cultures, causing the destruction of nature, and the extinction of human diversity. As each native community breaks down, the entire forest is at stake. Here’s Juma, the first female leader from the Xipaya tribe, chased by criminals, fending for the forest.​​​​​​​
Onça Kayapó, Juma Xipaya, and Lorena Kuruya, three different indigenous nations present at the street demonstrations, are preparing to plant a tree next to the Xingu river.
Três diferentes etnias indígenas na passeata se preparam para plantar uma árvore na margem do Rio Xingu.
[ Altamira, Brazil ]
The great fires of 2019 at the Amazon Forest. Nearly 172,000 football stadiums worth of forest were destroyed. 
Os incêndios de 2019 na Amazônia. Cerca de 125 mil hectares de floresta desapareceram nas chamas. O equivalente a 172 mil estádios de futebol. 
[ Anapu, Brazil ]
Two local peasants after spending several hours with their farming tools, trying to protect their houses from the fire.
Dois camponeses da região depois de passarem várias horas, com as suas ferramentas de trabalho, defendendo suas casas do incêndio.
[ Pacajá, Brazil ]
The Belo Monte dam, the third largest in the whole world, delivers approximately 40% of the initial expected energy.
A Barragem Hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte, a terceira maior do mundo. De acordo com o pesquisador norte-americano e prémio Nobel Philip Fearnside, a barragem entrega apenas 40% da energia prometida. ​​​​​​​
[ Altamira, Brazil ]
Juma Xipaya e Mirim Ju Yan Guarany at an indigenous ritual. The invisible world of communication is quite present at the daily lives of these populations.
Juma Xipaya e Mirim Ju Yan Guarany em cerimonial indígena. Os rituais e os costumes são passados oralmente. 
[ Altamira, Brazil ]
Juma Xipaya uses the natural pigment urucum to paint the indigenous leader Raoni Metuktire 
Juma, a primeira Cacique mulher do povo Xipaya, pinta o Cacique Raoni Metuktire, uma das maiores lideranças indígenas. Candidato ao Prémio Nobel da Paz, Raoni enfrentou uma plateia  hostil de fazendeiros, e se pronunciou: "(...) que os não indígenas façam o seu trabalho que eu faço o meu para defender a Amazônia". 
[ Altamira, Brazil ]
The Indigenous and the Afro-Brazilian leaders at the event "Amazon Rainforest - The Centre of The World".
As lideranças indígenas e quilombola no evento "Amazônia - O Centro do Mundo".
[ Altamira - Brazil ]
A mensagem de Juma Xipaya, a primeira mulher cacique da etnia Xypaia 
[Médio Xingu, Pará - Brasil]
no Xingu com Juma Xipaya


no Xingu com Juma Xipaya

Unique cultures are disappearing, an extinction of human diversity. As each community breaks down, a way of life is lost. Traditions, rituals, la Read More
