Internet awareness posters
These are posters made during my graphic design studies in high school. First one is visualisation of cybersecurity and Internet safety. Other two posters are part of my final school exams. Everyone has concerns about the safety of children and teenagers, even adults using the Internet. Almost half of internet users have endured some sort of cyber-harassment. Sensitive information such as personal information and identity, passwords may present security concerns if leaked. We suck on our likes and others exploit our personal data. 
Like social media, everything has it‘s pros and cons. It can inspire, motivate, educate and also help build a career. However, it depends how we use it. We see the negative effects of social media in us and others. The urge to compare ourselves with unrealistic ideals of beauty, or getting caught up in scrolling loop. Each user is facing something different. We seek approval of other people and acceptance even if we don't want to admit it.
Swanky one
Data robber
I must say i quite enjoyed this project. I've enhanced my creative thinking and it served me good. Winners were also exhibited for a few days in February Na Příkopě in Prague near Wenceslas Square. Here is link with other competitors and more information.
Internet safety

Internet safety

Graphic design posters for internet safety.
