This is a Miles Davis fan poster made for a contest to the jazz bar "Le Jazz" at Sao Paulo - Brazil.
His name, writen with the format of a trumpet was made entirely on vector almost improvised, with the free irregular forms reminding a doodle it shows a little bit of Miles free, improvised and clever style on his main instrument.
The "signature" was added to the poster as a part of the ilustration, not only as a signature or a title, making of it a graffiti based style, representing the urban influences from jazz.
The poster was basically made on digital painting at Photoshop CC, I wanted to represent his music with "ink explosions" that expressed an ordenated but free movement, his figure, based on his most famous photo was made with quick hits of brush, adding more movement to the composition, all of it over a wall texture, again, to represent the urban influence Jazz style brings.
Original size: 60 x 40 cm (poster size)
Software used: Photoshop CC
Mr. Davis

Mr. Davis

Miles Davis poster made for a contest at a jazz bar.
