The world has changed. Unable to predict, a spot of contamination has spread across the globe. Vulnerating everyone, the Covid-19 arrived with symptoms of fear of the uncertain future.
Although resistant, Africa was not immune to this virus and Mozambique was one of the last countries in the world to feel the poisoned kiss of this pandemic. 
With the first confirmations in Maputo, the disease quickly devastated the north of the country, where the highest number of positive cases are now recorded. 
It is in the north, in Cabo Delgado province, that we witness the bravery of the last living Mozambican tribe, the Makonde. An undeniable milestone in our history and culture, this tribe resisted the threats of all the people, who over time tried to dominate it. 
But is the ancestral vision of the Makonde people capable of fighting this invisible enemy? 
Is the memory of our tradition immune to the attack of this silent weapon?
In an exercise of reflection came the Covid-Makonde project, where Lauro Munguambe explores a contemporary battle of the Makonde tribe, kindly personified by the poetic prose of Watson Colosse.
