Ankit Sharma's profile

What is and what isn't

What is and what isn't.

The Shadow may seem just like a shape, formed by the absence of light, but it can only be formed by the presence of light.

Shadows will exist inevitably- just like an athlete's desire to be the best version of himself.

There are thoughts that race through their heads, fast enough to sometimes blur their vision- this becomes the moment of confusion of what is and what isn't. 

But just like the shadow's immorality, an athlete's passion, drive and will never cease to exist. 

These Shadows have seen it all, seen the athletes fall and rise.

These Shadows have seen them full of doubts and uncertainty even as they rose to glory. 

These Shadows have seen the tears and sweat that remain unknown to the outside world.

The Shadow has not just been a witness but has also lived every moment of an athlete- because it's not just an athlete's shadow but a part of them.

In the end it's all about the mark that an athlete leaves in the hearts of people.

In the all that matters is to know what is there and what isn't.

Aras Gibieza is one such athlete who never fails to leave his marks.
Work to make things work

The alternate reality- a continuum.

The alternate reality of the Shadow is the light- under which an athlete works all day. 

Nothing will work until we work. To an athlete, a motorcycle running means nothing, they don't just work on themselves they work on every single aspect that can help them do better. 

Often things don't work our way, and when they don't, we start getting disappointed- and this disappointment hinders our consistency, and eventually delays our growth.

An athlete, with time, masters the art of understanding and acceptance of this fact. They know that things will work only if they work- and thereon they keep working till they make things work.

There are times when one sees no results, and can fall to disappointment but an athlete keeps going and working because in the end, they started it purely for that life they feel on a motorcycle, which makes them the happiest. These hurdles in between are just there to make them stronger on their way up.

While the athlete's shadow witnesses all of these, they keep their front wheel high as they throttle on with that smile.

So don't stop working- work to make things work!
In the end its all about the smile one gets from following what they love the most.

Athlete: Aras Gibieza
What is and what isn't

What is and what isn't

What is and what isn't
