A project against violence against women
"Our crosses" - a photographic project created to keep attention focused on the issue of violence against women, all types of violence, not only physical violence, but also that represented by psychological abuse, or by not recognizing the value of women (such as person and professional).

The crosse that a woman has to carry and endure can be different ...
it may be your boss, or your colleague, who don't consider how able you are of doing your job, but they look at something else... (model Stefania Danubio, Mirko Mazza and Manuel Rubechini)

they can be your fans, who comes to see while you perform for work, but since you are a dancer ... (model Giada Trentadue)

it can be your husband, waiting at home believing him at work, while he ... (models Stefania Danubio, Samatha Bresciani, Mirco Mazza, Claudio Zampulla)
they are the men who put you on the road and who look for you on the road, thinking of being able to sell and buy you ... (models: Myra Cacharelle, Bohemio Kevin Cabrera, Claudio Zappulla)
sono i clienti che servi al ristorante e che si prendono libertà che non gli son concesse... 
sometimes it is the need to be admired, which makes you different on and off the TV ... (model Francesca Dagrezio)
it is the worst, the one you endure at home, on the part of those who have promised you love and, instead, consider you a THING of their own.
you have to find the strength to say ENOUGH! to free you, alone...
or with the help of other women (and perhaps some men).

- MUA :Gaia Gargenti - shooting @Bazzini17studio -
Our crosses

Our crosses

The photographic project "Our crosses" is designed to not diminish the attention on an important scourge of our society: violence against women, Read More


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