Hello to everyone seeing this!! 

These are the designs that I drew digitally. They are titled 
"We Come, We See, We Destroy"

My heart breaks every time I see what us humans have done to this beautiful planet of ours. We take everything for granted and we never take care of it. What if, just for a moment, we imagine what it feels like to be these animals who highly depend on their habitat. What if someone came in to your house one day and destroy it beyond measure? 

If you care about these poor polar bears, make sure you:
1. Walk if you can! Or bike. Reduce that CO2 emissions and drive less 
2. Recycle and upcycle more! Use that creative brain of yours;)
3. Use energy wisely. Look for the energy star label when buying new appliances
4. Buy organic and local. Also support local farmers am I right


Seriously, you guys. There are still so many people who did this without caring about the impact it would have on those sea creatures. Wouldn't you prefer swimming in the clean, trash-free ocean? Jeez, like seriously, get your life together, Karen. Thanks
Yes, there are still people out there who burn forests to clear vegetations for oil. This just made me super angry. Do you guys remember about forest fires in Kalimantan (an island in Indonesia) in 2019. Farmers took advantage of the dry season to BURN the forest and clear lands for PALM OIL, and then of course, the fire got out of hand and it burned more land than they intended. I feel sad for my country (yes, I am an Indonesian) 
Why use energy efficient light bulbs, you might ask. Well, let me explain. First of all, it helps you reduce carbon footprint on your home. They use 25%-80% less energy than traditional light bulbs. These little changes can prevent global warming. I know you might think really??? Well, yes! every one matters and so do your little actions. Second of all, these babies last 12 times as long as traditional light bulbs! more advantage. And finally, they have a light frequency that doesn't contribute to headaches or other health issues.

Did I convince you? I hope so.

Upgrades, people, upgrades! 



Save the Earth
