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Workana redesign add new project

Workana / Add new redesign
Concept, prototyping and design for a new flow for “Add new project”, one of the most critical processes in the platform where the client posts a job according to his needs (which can be a logo, a web design, a mobile app, a SEO optimization, etc.) to receive proposals from interested freelance candidates.

Project’s context and goal
Workana is a platform that connects clients with freelancers in Latin America and Asia, as a Product Designer, my job was to understand actual issues and problems, interpret new features and redesign the process with a mobile-first focus. The goal is to effectively gather information from the client's needs, guide him through the process and help him hire the perfect freelancer for the job. The project was developed under our User Personas research, so that the flow could respond to the needs of all of them.

Working side by side with the copywriting team and product managers to come up with a simple and clear explanation for the whole process and make it easily comprehensible. Integrating new illustrations, redesigning form elements and adding new features aimed at improving project posts and freelancers’ bids.

Developed in and for Workana, next to Watalab, illustrations by Julieta Camila Gil.
Choose your destiny, where user defines what he needs, find a freelancer, or start working as one:
New registration page
New category selector:
Type of work selector
New description and title step
Mobile samples:
Masterboard sample:
Setup all the elements behavior, usefull for UX / UI, developers and testing:
Workana redesign add new project

Workana redesign add new project

Redesign for the new add project flow in Workana
