"Cubic Vintage"
This is a form of Cubomania art. Cubomania is a surrealist method of making collages in which a picture or image is cut into squares and the squares are then reassembled without regard for the image, automatically or at random, or a collage made using this method, a "rearrangement... suffic[ing] to create an entirely new work.
Sitting bored in my room, I didnt know what to do with a photo that I printed long time back for another work. So decided to look around for some idea related to arts. Then came up this awesome technique named "Cubomania".
Through this work I would like to initiate one's mind about how do you percept this image. That means, how differently can each one out there look at it. For me, even though I used a grouping of blocks technique to bring this collage into life, now I dont see any groups of blocks at all. The eyes are my attraction. 
Now it is upto you to see what do you feel when you look at this image and jot in here to let me know, how your mind plays the game with this work from me. 
"Eyes that Speak"
The original portrait was one of those random photos that I took while I was having some free time. I decided to use this particular one among the many others that I have because when I see this photo, I can see that the eyes of the lady speak to me. They are filled with emotions that even me or anyone else cannot describe. I see a mixture of emotions in her eyes. It indeed also tells me that this lady has beautiful eyes.
To recreate this into a collage, I used water color on thin paper. Water color helped me to bring out different values of black shade. To emphasize the area near the eyes, I used different values of brown too. Once the entire portrait was recreated, I cut them out into separate pieces so that, they can be placed a little more apart, making it a collage from a collage. 
While looking at this image, I want to express the feeling of mixed emotions that are only expressed through eyes. Since the lips are covered, the viewer can imagine any emotion and imagine that the lady is smiling, frowning or even angry. The hidden lips gives more mysterious expression to this portrait because it is up to the viewer to imagine and understand the feeling that the lady posses by looking into her eyes and imagining the rest of her facial expression. 


"Eyes that Speak"


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