I was the developer for this site. The original goal of this site was to serve as a hub for various tools, data, and training that coastal managers and their teams would need to do their jobs more effectively. As time went on, it also included a number of informational sub-sites that describe various processes in managing coastal issues.
Aside from the original design and management, I was also responsible for porting the site from a static website to being managed by Drupal 7.
The home page. There are a lot of competing interests, and – in my opinion – overly text heavy, but hey, welcome to government web design.
One of the main bin’s landing page. Notice the multi-faceted search on the left. I originally developed this using jQuery, but since the Drupal migration it was run using a custom View. This allowed for users to actually bookmark and/or share filtered pages.
The “home” page for a particular tool. Notice the subnavigation that comes in to play here, which is actually the primary navigation for the tool in question. We had discussed moving towards a “one page” approach for these entries, but the amount of content on some of the support pages does not lend itself to that approach.
Digital Coast

Digital Coast

Information portal for the NOAA Coastal Services Center
