Shirt designs
vol. 1

Sometime in the mid-10's I had a side project that allowed me to have some of my fan art be experimented on silkscreen prints. It was a great excuse to keep creating, an a nice exercise on the different ways I could execute design ideas in my head. Some of these designs are handmade — traditional drawing with markers on paper. I even got to experiment with calligraphy, turning found objects into a pen to write with. Others were illustrated digitally — a great way to get comfortable with software I didn't really use as much then.

Not a lot of the sketches I had made it to print. But those that did made its way to a handful of friends and artists I adore, where they get to wear it (or not, idk) as they please. Others have never even left my home, where I proudly wear around the neighborhood, to remind me of a time when I had just started designing things for print.

Thank you!

Shirt Designs 01