For the past few months I've been working with a very talented WP Developer called Dan Westall on creating the new which is my own portfolio/web-site.
Being the type to get bored easily, I needed to come up with something that I could easily change and evolve to suit my fickle needs.
Between us, Dan and myself came up with 'Scottyville' which is my own little, isometric slice of the web.
I provided all the visual elements and Dan glued it all together in Wordpress to give me a site I could change and build to my hearts content.
The plots double as the navigation and changed like a kind of Lego town.
All I need to do is draw it first.
I got so wrapped up with the isometrics that I went into far too much detail but hay, it was fun and it's left me with the ability to see around corners in real life.
You can take a look by heading over to
... and if you have time check out Mr. Westalls site too.

The new personal portfolio web-site of Scott Jackson (scotty)
