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Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE

Design Curating, Exhibition & Graphic Design
for Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [  ] SPACE
that is the first solo show of one of the most eminent New Zealand designers Catherine Griffiths in China.


"Through the process of communicating back and forth with each other and putting together the exhibition, I have gained a more complete understanding of Griffiths' design practice. When I go through her work yet again, two sentences written by one of my favourite writers “Mu Xin” had come to mind: “I embrace splendor because I appreciate the simplicity in plainness” and “All that could be done was to return to nature after a long journey.” I want to borrow these words that, to me, best describes Griffiths' character and the tone of voice in her work. Most of her work may not have the immediate stimulating quality to directly catch people’s eyes.

However, It is about her enthusiasm for intensive thinking and the endless demands on details. While there's something magnificent about the dialectic process and the exquisite craftsmanship in her finished works, there's also something simple yet essential about her precise exploration towards the essence of typography. All the “discreet elegance” constructed by these asks the audience to ‘taste’ with heart, and to return to nature. This is also why we invited Griffiths to show her thoughts and process in this exhibition, whether they are complete or fragmented. This show blurs the space between “public” and “private”; “showroom” and “work site”. It has become the most sincere invitation from Griffiths herself.

In the process of curating this exhibition, so many expressions and words were circling in my mind and yet none of them can compare to this final space of the show itself and the excitement I had as I finally introduce Griffiths and her work to you. Just as what Griffiths said after creating her iconic work–Wellington Writers Walk, “Suddenly I’d leapt off the printed page and into the landscape–in front of everyone.” You are experiencing the “sense of presence” through this unconventional exhibition space, integrated exhibition design, unfiltered thoughts and creative process, along with the upcoming exhibition brochure which included archives. This “sense of presence” may be all the poetry that I want you to read about Griffiths.

SOLO IN [ ] SPACE. I hope it’s able to trigger your solo, or tutti. Pure, powerful, and poetic. "


策划这场展览的过程中,脑海中本涌动出太多的想要说的言语,可是,又有怎样的言语能够比这场展览最终的样貌更能描述我想企图向大家介绍的格里菲斯呢?正像格里菲斯在创作完她的标志性作品《惠灵顿作家之路(Wellington Writers Walk)》后所说,“突然间,我从传统的印刷文字场域中,跳脱出来,进入空间与景观,站在了所有人面前”。而你们,将看到的是我们通过这个非常规的展览场地、完整的展示营造、穿插的创作过程揭示,以及即将推出的有着“过程档案”意味的展览手册,一同所构建的“在场感”。而这个“在场感”可能即是我希望你们阅读的关于格里菲斯的全部诗意。


原文及更多内容请浏览 https://duanzhihua.design/SOLO-IN-SPACE

Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE


Project Made For

Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE

Design Curating, Exhibition & Graphic Design for Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [  ] SPACE that is the first solo show of one of the most eminent N Read More
