Ranjith G's profile

Bulk Rename Utility - UX improvement

The Product
Bulk Rename Utility allows the user to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria. Bulk Rename Utility provides a great and lightning-fast way to manipulate file and folder names in bulk. 

Its capability to handle file attributes, metadata, and sophisticated regular expressions make it appropriate for power users as well as those with simpler needs. 

The Problem
The application has a very challenging user interface. As such, people find it difficult to understand and use.

The primary goal is to understand the users of Bulk Rename Utility software. Enable and enhance the usability and user experience in an intuitive way and provide the user with a better way to rename the files and their usage in the software.

Design Process
Research Findings
I am putting together unstructured user research findings from different sources. I studied the user’s feedback and suggestion in the ‘Bulk Rename Utility’ forum. Also observed how users use the application in the YouTube uploaded videos and other comments/discussion posted in the software download websites. Here is the list of key pain points mentioned by the users:

          - Users finding difficulty in using the software application due to cluttered interface
          - Users see all options of the application on one screen.
            This makes confusion to the user of the application
          - There is no tool-tip or help available on each selection

Bulk Rename Utility forum: 
User Quotes
"The screen has many options that may not be used frequently. Maybe an option to view/hide options and make software a bit more personalized."
- Regular user

"I wish there was some kind of vertical panel, on the right hand side, with some sort of big icons, that would be shortcuts for some rules we use often. we could then have 10-20 quick-access icons, that would have some renaming rules, from other sessions. so if we need to do a particular renaming, we know that icon 3 will do that, so we click it, the different fields and rules will be filled up with the right data, and we only need to click on rename, and it's done."
- A frequent casual user

Competitive Analysis
I was going through similar software available in the market to understand the features, interface and the way it works. This helped me to get an idea of the preference of the user choosing others than ‘Bulk Rename Utility’ software. Even though BRU has a cluttered interface the users prefer this software for their renaming solution.
The key reasons are,
           * Safe to Install and System-Friendly
           * Light weight software
           * No ads
           * Regular updates
           * Extensive features
           * Keyboard shortcuts
           * Key index to move from one field to next
After getting insights from user research I had a clear understanding of users and their usage in the software. Based on that, I created a persona for a typical user of the software application. 

User persona helped me make better design decisions that will satisfy the user's needs.
User Journey map
User journey maps helped me visualize the steps users take to accomplish a goal. During the process, I analyzed each step and see where the opportunity lies and how the user experience can be optimized.
Product Features Roadmap
Based on the research findings and brainstorming different ideas, I created a product features road map. I started bucketing the features into two main groups named as basic and power.
The ‘RELOCATE’ items ‘Filters’ and ‘Copy/Move to Location’ features will be moved to the file selection panel and action section.

The highlighted areas in the below picture are a core section used in the software.

User Flow 
A user flow was created to understand how a user would navigate through the structure of the software. Here I primarily focused on how a typical user would use the software on regular usage.
Based on sketches I created a wireframe.
Visual Design
Keeping the user's needs and pain points in mind I came up with my final version of the design and created a prototype.
Bulk Rename Utility - UX improvement

Bulk Rename Utility - UX improvement
