La Sardina
"Belle Starr: Queen of Outlaws"
La Sardina ‘Belle Starr’ is an analog camera by created by Lomography. 
The project is to redesign its packaging with an infographic manual.

Belle Starr the Outlaw herself inspires this concept, her characteristic and style are the essence. Known to harbour a strong sense of style, black leather clothing with cartridge belt across her hips, a sign of rebellion as ladies in the 1800s were expected to be feminine. 

Designed as a camera bag with the unique mixture of materials that are rarely used in packaging design, it shows the characteristics of rebellion and ‘out of the norm’.
Infographic manual for the camera
This packaging design won the Singapore Packaging Star Award 2012 & Asia Star Award 2012.
La Sardina

La Sardina

Experimental packaging design for Lomography "La Sardina" camera.
