KIDEKIWOHORU .'s profile

GNARL - Wood Sculpture

This large gnarl was completed a good accent to bring out the design. And also, you will enjoy the change of wood grain around it. The boldness of the large gnarl and the delicacy of the three branches coming and going are combined.
Japanese cypress
W132×H75×D45 mm
96 g
The size of the wood used is 14.5 × 8 × 4.8cm.
This is wood with large gnarl. Originally, this wood were removed when making a large work. 
I would like to utilize this gnarl for design. 
Depending on how I carve it, I think it will be a good accent to bring out my work. However, 
this gnarl is too large, so I will first try to see how much this gnarl can be processed before considering the design.
When I carve a gnarl, the whole gnarl often falls out of the wood and becomes hollow, 
but this gnarl was safe because it was so large. 
After sculpting to the state of the photo, I was convinced that that wood with this gnarl could be used as a work. However, of course, it is impossible for me to make delicate sculptures in this gnarl and its surroundings. 
For this reason, I will try a design where three branches come and go at a place away from that gnarl.
The place where the three branches come and go is difficult for me to carve 
because the distance between the branches is small. I’m thinking about how to carve that from now on. 
However, the harder it is for me to carve, the more rewarding I feel. 
I will feel a sense of achievement when I have successfully carved the shape I wanted.
GNARL - Wood Sculpture

GNARL - Wood Sculpture

Sculpting tree branches with wood. The wood is Japanese cypress (hinoki) in Japan.
