This is a scorched wood piece. I used a brown sharpie maker to add an outline and I removed the ash with an  eraser for a white outline.
These  piece are made with acrylic paintings on a canvas.
This is Ceramic piece with a glossy glaze on the body and matte glaze on the eye.
These are some embrodered pillows. I used stiching technique such as the blanket stitch, the split stitch and the straight stitch.
This is an oil painting of a ukulele.
This is a portrait of  a lady I did in graphite pencil.
This watercolour shoelace.
This is a film poster of “Another Day of Life” that I drew in Adobe Illustrator.
I made this piece out of form first and then and a plaster cast of that form and then poured wax into that cast which made this piece. 
This is a dyed piece of muslin. The design was put on with wax that I poured from a wax spoon. 
The dye was then painted on to the muslin and when it dried I placed the cloth between newsprint paper and ironed the wax off. 
After that I used a protective sealant paint on top of the piece so that the dye would not come off. 

This is a lino print of an octopus. I rolled the ink on to the lino block in one motion so as to not ruin the gradient that I created beforehand.
This is a black top that I rolled up and put into a cup of bleach to make a tie dye effect.
This is a carved limestone piece that was sanded and shined.
This is a piece that was made using a glass technique called “glass slumping.” Which is where you melt pieces of glass together in a kiln. 
This is a sample of ink experiments. These experiments include painted, stamps and stencil techniques.
This is a book cover I did for Penguin. I drew the gun in Adobe Illustrator and design the book in Adobe Indesign.  
Self Promotion

Self Promotion
