P.S - We did not have digital copies in school, so these are the few pictures that I do have for now.
The rest are all packed up back in india, and I can only take professional pictures of them once I go home. For now, these will have to do =)
Illustration for one of the cover pages, where the editor of the magazine usually wrote an opening note for the publication.
Our school grounds were covered in inches of little pebbles, something we call 'Bajri' back in india. Back in the day, we sometimes spent hours just looking at the ground.. it was amazing what one could find amidst those pebbles! Hair clips, pens, little notes, ladybirds, lost sim cards ... the list was endless!
This illustration is of those little pebbles, and if you look carefully, I included some of the things you would find on our ground...
This piece was not for the Chryalis, but was done in my free time, using the same style as that of the Chrysalis.
It was mean to symbolize breaking away from the evil inside us, that weighs us down.
This was again, done in my free time. This one was about how all of us, no matter how good, have a hidden dark side underneath the layers of our personality.
This is again, one of the cover pages of the Illustration.
This is the best picture I have for this one, sorry about the lousy quality.. I will take better photos once im back home! 


All these illustrations were made using pen, ink, and paper.
