A series of short videos blending automation with customized content to get the scoop on trends emerging on social platforms.​​​​​​​ 

Nextatlas artificial intelligence algorithm is constantly listening to social platforms on the lookout for the next big thing. And automation helps visualize it: its social media team can pick an emerging trend ID and drop it in the Algo dashboard. Algo then pulls all the relevant data from their API and spins it into various video scenes, playing with different levels of customization.

From API to automation

Every video is based on six modular scenes, all generated automatically with data taken straight from the Nextatlas API. 

Modular design

Thanks to Algo, the social media team can generate the best storytelling for each trend, by choosing between the most interesting platform’s insights: moodboard, sentiment, social media sources, targets, locations, industries or top brands and adding their manual curation to make everything pop.



Check out the case study on algo.tv/nextatlas

If interested in knowing how video automation can transform your video strategy and social media game, subscribe to our newsletter 📬 or send us a message at algo@illo.tv (as it turns out, robots love emails 🤖 💌)


Production: Luca Gonnelli
Design & Creative Direction: Ilenia Notarangelo
Design: Carla Gioia
Motion engineering: Matteo Ruffinengo
Data Science: Nima Farzaneh
Animation: Dave Cubitt
Portfolio Case Study: Giovanna Crise




A series of short videos blending automation with customized content to get the scoop on trends emerging on social platforms.
