Demo Presentation
This is a three minute demo presentation of the working prototype my team had made for the UMBC Game Developers Club. Made in Unity game engine.
Story Documents
This first document is the story outline and character profiles I made for Sludger. This covers some of the story constraints I had to consider when making the story as well as the concepts for characters that would end becoming boss enemies, like the sewer king at the end of the demo above, or supporting characters.
These next three documents are the dialogue I had made for three of the characters in Sludger. My role in Sludger was populating the world with characters the player would meet over the course of the story. I would start with dialogue like these files as way to flesh out ideas and get a handle of how these characters would fit within the game. From here I would use what I learned about the characters to work on the level design as well as their gameplay mechanics such as how a boss fight would progress and what rewards the player would receive.
Cade Christianson  : Story, Characters, World
Skylar O'Neill : Concept By, Project Lead, Programmer : (link to his website)
Miguel Fuentes : 3D art and animation
Aaron Wescott: 2D and 3D artist
Michael Wellen: Music (link to game on UMBC Game Developers club)



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