hey you all...

amp-flower-no leaves-Tree

after a long time without a post, I"ve decided to take some pictures today.
this is a very old project... It took 2 months to finish and 3 months to post. 
It was created just for fun... kindda chalange for me: complete an A2 paper with watercolor and nankin. well this is the result... 
hope you like it! 
I"ll like to share with you how it all begins....
some sketch , tree and lamps. 
and now started nankin and watercolor.
almost in the end...
this part now, took me more than a month to complete. 
using a 0,18 nankin pen.....
and then we have the final art! 
I wanted to create a night image, not so dark that you can't see the details.... so I just used some nice color and showed them by the nankin space created between the strokes. 
as I said before... hope you like it! 


a very old project that took me more than 3 months to complete! the final result was very nice(I think-lol) hope you like it!
