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All-Purpose Flour Packaging

All Purpose Flour Packaging Design
Rebrand "Polymart", a bakery supplier shop

The packaging series is designed for all-purpose flour. The design direction is smart and clever look which gives a classy and neat feeling to the buyers. This series has three packagings which are 1kg, 500g and 250g to accomodate the needs of buyers. 

While doing this assignment, I spotted two questions which are ‘flour packaging in the market are usually difficult to hold as it couln’t stand by itselt without any support’ and ‘no measurement to simplify the procress of pouring the flour’. To solve these two problems, I made the packaging into cuboid shape and used a more tough material for the packaging so it can stand by itself without any support. Meanwhile I added measurement at the side of the 1kg packaging so people could pour out the flour without using measuring cup and they don’t need to pour the remaining flour into a plastic bottle as the flour packaging are folding and able to stand by itself.

Measurements on the 1kg all-purpose flour packaging
I also made a few of the collateral designs to promote this all-purpose flour packaging series.
Poster design for the collateral design
Website pop-up page mock up
Guerilla Marketing on smoke chimney and white paint on the street wall
All-Purpose Flour Packaging


All-Purpose Flour Packaging
