Harvard Law School EELP

Un-biased expertise

Harvard Law School’s Environmental and Energy Law Program influences policy discussions about environmental, climate and energy issues. They are the go-to advisors for US policy makers in these sectors and play a crucial role in providing un-biased and real-world analysis for the country’s environmental and energy challenges.
In the United States’ current political climate the program’s work is more important than ever. We felt honoured to be tasked with creating a new visual identity and online presence for the program, constructing a framework for clear and accessible visual communications that reach audiences and stakeholders that make an impact.

Keywords: #advisors #environmental #law #multi-disciplinary #neutral #experts #groundbreaking
Information architecture

The program’s online presence evolves around in-depth content and quick access to crucial information. Therefore we started by establishing a clear information hierarchy which was reflected in the site’s no-nonsense yet approachable typography.
The site is updated frequently with the latest development in environmental and energy law developments and we set a range of quick entry points to the most requested tools and media, based on the site’s analytics.
Harvard Law School EELP

Harvard Law School EELP
