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"Dreaming in in nature" - surrealism project

This piece titled “Dreaming in nature” created in Photoshop to create a surreal, abstract artwork by combining and editing different images, applying different techniques and effects to change the original images that we choose to work with. The theme is surrealism. The Surrealists sought to channel the unconscious as a means to unlock the power of the imagination. Looking into inspiration I found that the most interesting ones had a fantasy world. I have decided to adventure into a fantasy world, with a mini city and water fall running through it. I have created a sense of calm nature in a city space effect in my composition so that I can emphasize a dream like effect in my piece.

I have used the clone stamp tool to help blend in the water in the landscape while using blending options of lower the opacity. Also using the clone and stamp tool to fade the clouds in the sky to create a natural effect in the scenery of the piece. Using curves as an effect to alter the brightness and color effects of the piece as a whole to allow all the different images to have a similar tone, giving the allusion of looking a part of the environment. Duplicating the layers of the butterfly to extend the wings on the butterfly to create a sense of movement as well as using bevel and emboss, inner shadow, inner glow and satin in the effects tab to blend the butterfly into the surrounding scenery. 

Also duplicating the layers of the elephants and reflecting one image of the elephant to add more off a natural feel of nature in the piece. Using bevel and emboss to blend in the bridge into the nature to create a smooth transition into the green hill.
Using rocks at the bottom helping to create a ground level eye to center the piece. Using opacity levels and bevel emboss into the fish in the water to show they are cover in a layer of water creating an illusion of them being submerged in the water. Manipulating the scale of the images to create a sense of space. Using exposure effect on the water to also create a smooth transition into the rest of the environment created. Using enlarging tool and swirl tool to change the appearance of the fish, manipulating its shape and the direction of the fish.
"Dreaming in in nature" - surrealism project

"Dreaming in in nature" - surrealism project


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