
With this project I want to focus on developing my vRED skills a little further. 

I've developed a simple model - my first thoughts on a reinterpretation of BMW's classic 1970's 3.0 CSL. I wanted to keep form and character close to that of the original, but proportions and details have been stretched a little to make it look a bit meaner ;-)

There's more I plan to do to the design in the coming weeks - but for now it'll do just fine.

My aim is to work on my vRED render setup - lighting, shaders, textures and image composition.

I plan to post the output images from vRED in their raw form in the first instance - with no post processing. This is so I push myself harder to get things set up better in the first place, rather than relying on photoshop to compensate.

Let's see how it goes . . . this is definitely new territory for me.

Initial alias model - screengrab.
Initial alias model - screengrab.
Initial alias model - screengrab.
Initial alias model - screengrab.
I've built a basic garage environment with lighting rig to help me create a more inreresting backdrop - I didn't want to rely on HDRI's and backplates in the first instance.
I'm wanting to keep the background very muted - it needs to add interest to the scene but not detract from the focal point. The overhead gantry spotlights are working quite effectively in conjunction with the central lightbox.
Depth of field helps to draw attention in towards the car - but settings in this instance are slightly too extreme. Some post-processing to boost the vignetting would help further - but for now I'm wanting to leave the image true to how it arrived from vRED, and concentrate on controlling my render setup better.
There's details on the Design I need to rework and refine further - the windowline is a little too abrupt - could do with slightly more fullness on the curves. As a rendering I want to boost the shadows slightly to accentuate the box arches - I need to leanr more about detailled light settings to suit each camera view.
Heheheh . .  the fun thing about having a lighting gantry in the scene is that you can very easily adjust light intensity - and colour. Feels like a fun direction to perhaps expore further - but another time . . . for now my brain is fried!
Spent a bit more time refining the design, adding further race inspired details and working on the basics of an Msport Livery. 

I plan to add extra sponsor decals in vRED, but I find when you're wanting to precisely control the lines of a livery relative to the surface model, its often easier, quicker and more accurate to cut the required shapes into the CAD surface.
Had a load of fun modelling up the front and rear wing adjustment mechasnisms - R clips! Not sure I'll find much use for these after this project, but still a load of fun to do!
I'm almost happy with these tweaks - but will make a few minor adjustments to the Msport livery so that it flows a bit nicer across the bonnet and is a bit deeper on the front wing . . .  but, I'm looking forward to trying out this new geometry in vRED - I'm hoping the extra detailling will add a bit more character and interest to my output renders . . . sometime next week!
 . . aaand back into the garage environment! Taking me a bit of time to fine tune the lighting and shader setup on the white - this looks a little blown out, but I'm not wanting the car to look too murky / grey. I've "cheated" with this image and applied a bit of simple vignetting in photoshop to darken off the background a little - helps give the image a bit more punch & focus.
I've darkened off the "white" shader a little more - and I'm happier with the way it's looking in this image - the body-form is easier to read.
Hehehe . . sorry.. couldn't resist a TINY bit of lens flare on the lights to add to the brooding mood . . . 
Works nicely coming straight out of vRED with an M Sport coloured backplate.. no photoshop used other than to drop my name in.. 
Nice to see something a bit fresher and cleaner - not quite so moody!
Hehehhehh . . I maybe need to make a note . . .  the poster text is entirely made up. It's not meant to be factual - it's alternate history territory - just like my reinterpretation of the car... for that matter, I've no idea whether they ever ran a 24 hours endurance race at the Green Hell.. On this project I'm just aiming to be a concept designer, not a researcher!
I’d like to imagine that after their formal retirement from competitive racing, these cars went on to enjoy a long and happy career in a one-make “ArtCar” race series – supporting F1 events around the globe.

Their liveries would have been designed by the leading contemporary artists of the day such as Wandy Arhol and Havid Dockney.

The racing paddocks and VIP enclosures would have been a glorious and exclusive spectacle – an outrageous riot of colour, a symphony of mechanical noise.

Happy days.

