Timurid Armor
Armor of a late 14th Century Timurid warrior, based on contemporary artwork
MFA Thesis project, made with flexible plastic sheet, wonderflex, EVA foam, paper mache, and cardboard. Details were traced digitally from various Islamic art and architecture sources and cut by Cricuit machine.

Eldar Farseer
Commissioned work. Based on figures from the client's own Warhammer 40K army. Armor is worbla and EVA foam.

Character from Horizon: Zero Dawn, published by Guerilla Games
Personal work, all pieces constructed by me. Armor is a combination of EVA foam and thin HDPE sheet.

Carver Hawke
Character from Dragon Age II, published by Bioware
Personal work, all pieces constructed by me. Armor is made mainly from HDPE sheet.

Character from Agent of Asgard, published by Marvel Comics and designed by Kris Anka
Personal work, all pieces constructed by me. Armor is foam, Sintra, and purchased scales.



Creative Fields