This was the third year I successfully completed the Inktober challenge and the second year in a row when I sold my drawings to buy dog food for a Hungarian animal shelter. Last year, I could get 500 kgs from selling my Inktober booklets, art prints and sticker sets and this year (still can't get my head around it) I managed to raise enough money to buy 1000 kgs (1 ton!!!!) of dog food.
This is me and my friends helping me unload the van. A Hungarian rock band was kind enough to lend me their tour bus, so I could transport all this food to the shelter. Thanks again for them, they truly rock!)
My family and I have 5 dogs (most of them are senior doggos), and I am committed to advocating for animal rights and responsible pet ownership. Unfortunately, most shelters in Hungary are in constant need for help, because they are not getting enough support. One of them is especially close to my heart since we've adopted 3 dogs from them. Following last year's success, I decided to collect more food this year. Turns out, I've definitely raised the bar for myself, because my booklets, stickers, art prints and bookmarks got sold out within 24 hours and I raised enough money to buy a ton of food. 

Literally a ton.
I really do hope that I can raise awareness with all this, so more and more people will adopt doggies from shelters instead of buying them.

PS: These Inktober booklets/sketchbooks were printed only in a very limited number (approximately 50 copies) and are no longer available (and never will be). I did not make any profit from selling my artworks, because I donated all the money from the sales to the shelter by purchasing dog food. I did not use the official Inktober logo on any of the materials.
Inktober 2019

Inktober 2019

I Bought 1000 Kgs (1 Ton) Of Dog Food From My Inktober Drawings.
