Marina Zilbersztejn's profile

Trans Odara | Trans health care support

With a team made by more than 40 researchers, analysts and doctors from 20 different universities and institutions (such as Santa Casa de São Paulo, Universidade Federal da Bahia and  Public Health England/University College London), TransOdara was a study about the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among trans women and transvestites in Brazil. It has been a transversal survey coordinated by NUDHES (Human Rights and LGBT+ Health Center) in São Paulo, focusing both quantitative and qualitative aspects, and it has offered health care support in five capital cities: São Paulo, Campo Grande, Manaus, Porto Alegre and Salvador. 

The brand design was built during a series of workshops and debates within a large and diverse group: health providers and researchers; trans women and transvestites who work as health professionals and who were previously supported by the Center; and us, the communication team. Seeking for a more collaborative branding process, we collectively shaped project's concepts, naming and visual system. The name "Odara" was a participant's suggestion - an African matrix term which means "beauty, greatness". Colors, pink and blue, are derived from the trans flag. And finally, the stickers, designed matching visual elements and keywords listed by the group.

Unfortunately, Brazil continues to be the leading country having the highest number of murders of trans and gender-diverse people in Latin America. This score is certainly related to the fact that trans population faces lots of obstacles to access health public system services. In order to provide a more comfortable and democratic support for the community, TransOdara emerges as an improvement on these women's assistance, testing and treatment, and its visual approach and identity had to be careful and welcoming as its purpose.
Trans Odara | Trans health care support

Trans Odara | Trans health care support
