Diana Navarro Lins's profile

Final project: Não Vacila (app)

Esse é meu projeto final (TCC) da faculdade. O meu objetivo era utilizar o design como uma ferramenta de mudança social. O Brasil tem índices altíssimos de ISTs (Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis) e alguns pesquisadores dizem que vivemos em um cenário epidêmico, então nesse projeto eu quis tratar do ensino da Educação Sexual no Brasil.

This is my undergraduate thesis. My goal was to use design as a tool for social changes. Brazil has a tremendous high STI (Sexual Transmitted Infecctions) rate and some researches even say that we're living an epidemic scenario, so in this project I studies the teaching of Sexual Education in Brazil.

Mary Neide Figueiró é uma psicóloga brasileira especialista no assunto e autora de vários livros sobre Educação Sexual.

"What is Sexual Education? According to Mary Neide Figueiró, a brazilian psychologist specialized in this theme and the author of several books about it: Teach to think about your body, your sexuality, gender equality, the prevention of sexual abuses, Sexual Transmitted Infecctions and unplanned pregnancy."
1. Updated with the most recent medical discoveries about STIs
2. Informations about all the STIs (what they are, how to prevent, diagnosis, how you can get tested, treatment/cure)

3. Contact information of medical clinics and doctors so you can book an appointment
4. Quiz to test all your knowledge about Sexual Education
Onboarding screens.

"In the app Não Vacila you can have access to up-to-date informations about STI and unplanned pregnancy. You'll also receive notifications about vaccination and testing campaings and find qualified doctors and clinics to help you. Besides all of that, you can also test your knowledge regarding everything about Sexual Education. Are you ready?"
Telas com informação sobre HIV.
Screens with information about HIV.
O logo aplicado a diferentes materiais. | The logo applied to different materials.
O lettering foi feito por mim e diz "Autocuidado é um sinal de liberdade", uma citação de Michel Foucault.
The lettering was made by me and it says "Self-care is a sign of liberty", a quote by Michel Foucault.
Final project: Não Vacila (app)


Final project: Não Vacila (app)

Development of an app about Sexual Education. Desenvolvimento de um app sobre Educação Sexual.
