This piece marks a significant milestone in art style. Not only did I more texture that mimics oil paint, I've also leaned towards more monochromatic color theme. Which is funny then, since this was never meant to be a full blown painting but just an "experimentation for fun", which then snowballed into a full blown painting.
As you can see, the initial sketch has a totally different pose. It has a more "action" feel, but somewhere down the line I saw a Hellboy cover art and thought "hey, let's try that style, but in painting!" Which is why you see that the initial colors is brown theme.
Then halfway along the line, I saw a beautiful and haunting artwork by Ivan Alifan, and decided to steer this piece towards that color theme.
Unfortunately, Ivan's color theme is sort of off the usual color palette, and to make the hunter into that color would require a whole repainting of him, which I hate to, since it would waste everything that has been painted. So after tons of adjustments, and some repainting, this is the closest I can get for him to blend in with the whole painting, but still standing out due to his warm colors. I really like the end result, and wonder what could happen, if I have started with the right direction. So obviously, there will be more painting coming in this color scheme, and with better planning.  
Close ups of the hunter. It has nice textures and tons of details. The blunderbuss was pretty difficult to do.
As you can see, the phantoms has an oil painting brush strokes, and this is definitely the direction that I want to go with many of my future paintings.
ImagineFX also decided to feature my art there!
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Hunter's Phantom

Hunter's Phantom

A painting of the Hunter and the otherworldly phantoms, based on the game Bloodborne.
