Aleksander Weber's profile

CICOA Email Campaign

Problem: Create a postcard design that delivers CICOA’s message in an easily perceptible way and is enjoyable to view?

1. Simplicity focused.
2. Joint audience of elderly and caretakers.
3. Large font, light colors, pictures showing experience.
Target Audience:  Primary: Disabled 55+ year old, does not use digital platform, attracted towards physical mail, used to writing letters/postcards.  Secondary: Caretakers 35+ year old, uses both digital and physical platforms.

1. Need to reach a large audience.
-Caregivers and person in need of care.

2. More geared towards person receiving care.
-They are usually opening their own mail.

3. Do not want to leave caregiver out of the loop.
-CICOA services will help alleviate stress.

4. Grab attention
-Highlights FOUR different services
-Many recipients are healthy now, but will need care in future

5. Phone Number
Key Research Findings:

- States largest area agency on aging
- Not for profit organization
- Founded in 1974
- Serving 8 central Indiana counties
- Older Americans Act

Mission Statement: CICOA empowers older adults, those of any age with a disability, and their caregivers by providing the innovative answers, services, and support they need to achieve the greatest possible independence, dignity, and quality of life.

90% older adults want to be independent, living in their homes and communities as they ages. Half of those seniors worry about not being able to do so.

2. Not just seniors! 40% are under the age of 60- traumatic brain injury- more than 400 children.

3. Broker in home services for 8,459 persons.

4. 88% of clients report that their quality of life was “definitely improved.”

CICOA Services:

- Caregivers are at higher risk for illness and burnout, resulting in diminished quality of life for all concerned.
- CAREAWARE exist to reduce the incidence of caregiver burnout and optimize quality of life
- (Caregiver burnout-> 2nd leading indicator for premature nursing home admission)
- Information and referral
- One-on-one counseling
- Workshops specific to caregiver needs
- Free caregiver video series: Help and Hope for family members 

Meals & More:
- Home delivered meals
- Neighborhood meals
- Community voucher program
- Farmers’ market vouchers
- Senior commodities food boxes
- Health promotion and education- in home nutrition

Way to Go:
- Taxi discounts
- Ada accessible fleet-18
- Medical and other trips
- Door to door service Drivers go up to door and help person and same thing when dropping off.
- Shopping shuttles

- Resource>Free unbiased advice
- Lowest price
- Phone number & website link
- Home modifications
- Brief description of the service
Design Requirements:

1. Simple and easy to understand message based on what would best be perceived and enjoyed by the consumer of the product.

2. Competitive Analysis of other healthcare mail ads to find styles of fonts, spacing, and colors that appeal to elderly people.  Large font and focus on pictures.

3. Design for both caretakers and elderly.
- clean look with easy to read information

4. Create a postcard that is invitational in nature and not to be glanced at and discarded.

5. Focus on contact information.
- Placed on both sides

6. Focus on imagery.
- Relatability
- Relevant image for relevant service

7. Use CICOA colors and logo to establish brand recognition.

8. Large readable font.

9. Create a card for each service.
- Versatility
-Maximize information output
-Target Messaging
Final Design:
CICOA Email Campaign


CICOA Email Campaign

A design of an email campaign for CICOA Aging and In-Home Solutions
