Face Muscles Anatomy Project
Frontalis (Lateral and Medial portions)
-raises the entire eyebrow
Corrugator Supercilii 
-pulls the middle section of the brow downward
Orbicularis Oculi (Palpebral, Orbital, Peripheral, Depressor Supercilii, and Lacrimal)
-Palpebral: closes eyelids
-Orbital: completely closes the eye by sphincteric action
-Peripheral (also known as Malaris): raises puffs on cheek
-Depressor Supercilii: pulls middle brow down
-Lacrimal: use unknown
Dilator Naris
-enlarges the opening of the nostrils
Nasalis (Transverse and Alar portions)
-pulls side of the nose backward and downward
-pulls forehead down and nose up
-clenches the teeth and lifts the mandible
Orbicularis Oris (Peripheral and red lip portions)
-moves the lips 
Incisivus Labii Superioris
-pulls the node upward and medially
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (Furrow, Alar, and Lip portions)
-elevates the upper end of the nasolabial furrow, the posterior end of the wing of the nose
Levator Labii Superioris 
-raises the center of each half of the upper lip
Incisivus Labii Inferioris
-pulls the node downward and medially
Zygomaticus Major 
-pulls the nose upward, outward, and backward
Zygomaticus Minor
-pulls the middle section of the nasolabial furrow and the middle portions of the upper lip outward and slightly upward
Levator Anguli Oris
-pulls the node straight up
Platysma (Nodular, Labial, and Mandibular portions)
-Nodular: pulls the node outward and downward
-Labial: pulls the middle third of one side of the lower lip downward and outward
-Mandibular: pulls jaw downward, opening the mouth
-raises the lower jaw
-pulls the medial edge of the node and the angle of the mouth straight back
-pulls the nose horizontally toward the ear
Depressor Labii Inferioris
-similar to the Labial portion of the Platysma
Depressor Anguli Oris
-pulls the nose downward and laterally
-raises the fleshy prominence of the chin and pushes up the lower lip
-connects a number of muscles such as Depressor Anguli Oris, Incisivus Labii Inferioris and Superioris, and Risorius 
Materials: skull and Plastilina clay
Reference book: Human Anatomy for Artists by Eliot Goldfinger
Project for school; notes as a study guide; for mere information please check out the book mentioned above.
Face Anatomy

Face Anatomy

A study of facial muscles from Eliot Goldfinger's Human Anatomy for Artists. Modeling clay on plastic skull.
