
I was invited by Antalis Bulgaria to create six paper object, using the new color range of Keaykolour and Curious Metallics by Arjowiggins Creative Papers. I found inspiration in the names (most of them based on different natural objects) and the refined natural textures of these uncoated papers. The final result were six 45x45cm paper letters that formed the word "colors". 

C for Crystals
The first letter is inspired by the mesmerizing crystals and the gorgeous paper Pink Quartz (Curious Metallics).

O for Ocean
This paper "O" is diving deep in to the ocean. It represents the beautiful coral reef Atoll, which is also the name of the vibrant turquoise paper by Keaykolour.

L for Leaf Fall
The “L” represents all the beautiful and warm autumn colors. The papers that were used are Indian Yellow, Pumpkin, Coral (Keaykolour).

O for Organic
This "O" is bursting with life, like a small jungle. It's created with the papers Kiwi (Keaykolour) & Aloe (Curious Metallics).

R for river
The force of moving water and the papers Azure and Royal Blue (Keaykolour) are the inspiration behind this “R”.

S for Space
Inspired by the cosmos and the shimmery paper INK (Curious Metallics Collection), this letter is created on different levels, that represent the different dimensions.


Design&Art Direction: Tsvetislava Koleva
Photography: Georgi Stoilov

Thank you!



A series of paper letters, created for Antalis Bulgaria and their promotional event for the new color range of Keaykolour and Curious Metallics ( Read More
