Hu Chi's profile

光圈 Aperture

前導預告 Teaser Trailer
實機預告 Gameplay Trailer
遊戲節圖 Screenshots
製作過程 Making of

為了使每個場景之間可以近似無縫地切換,使用了 Additive Scene Loading 的機能,並自己寫了一個控制器,並設定在不同的狀況下要讀取或者釋放場景。這樣的做法可以將關卡以類似電影劇本中場次分段製作。

同一個關卡之內也設置許多 triggers ,將畫面中不會出現的物件暫時移除。

A customized tool was implemented utilizing Unity's Additive Scene Loading functionality to load/unload scenes seamlessly when needed. This had helped dividing the game into several "scenes" similar to how scenes separate stories in movies.

Multiple triggers were scattered throughout the gameplay area so objects can be removed when they are no longer visible to the player.

本遊戲有許多應用 Unity 的 Timeline 以及 Cinemachine 工具的部分,最主要是用來將遊玩過程跟過場動畫無縫接軌。上列動畫即使用 25 軌,包括字幕、音軌、攝影鏡頭、物件動畫等等。

Unity Timeline and Cinemachine are used to integrate between gameplay sessions and cutscenes. The above example features 25 tracks, including subtitles, audio tracks, camera movements, and object animations.


遊戲設計 Game Director
胡琦 Hu Chi

故事 Writers
胡琦 Hu Chi, 林俐君 Lin Li-Jung
聲音演出 Voice Actors
鄭志鵬 Chen Chih-Peng, 蔡沛安 Tsai Pei-An

程式 Programmer
胡琦 Hu Chi​​​​​​​

配樂 Composer
胡琦 Hu Chi
光圈 Aperture


光圈 Aperture
